As an EcoForce Affiliate you have the option to utilise this event function to make it easy to invite prospects to your EcoForce Event. This can be used for face-to-face events, in-home events, Tree Party events, zoom meetings – whatever works best for you.

By using this Create an Event Form below, this can assist you and your Affiliates to invite many guests to your event easily, and you can also remind them of the event closer to the date. You will also be provided a sign-up link that is sent to you, the Master Organiser, prior to the end time of your event. Once clicked by the Master Organiser, an SMS will be sent to each guest prior to them leaving to allow them to purchase trees as a Customer or register with you or your Affiliates, as an Affiliate or EcoPartner.

Step 1 Ensure your venue is confirmed or your webinar is configured
Step 2 Complete the Form below. If you are the Master Organiser you will be shown this option. If you are not the Master Organiser, simply just submit the form as it is displayed
Step 3 If you are the Master Organiser, you will receive an email that you can share with other Affiliates for them to use to invite their own guests to your event
Step 4 Once you submit the Form below, you will receive an SMS that you can share with guests to attend the event. They can click on the link in the SMS and be invited to register for your event.
Step 5 Once the event has concluded EcoForce will send the Master Organiser an SMS with a link. The Master Organiser controls when the link is clicked. Once clicked, this will send all guests a ‘Join EcoForce Global link’ so they can immediately purchase trees or register as an Affiliate.
